This is the news roundup from Nan Dibble and Helpers' Network. Call the Central Hotline at 513-961-3317 or the East Hotline at 201-779-6040.
A subscription for hard copies of the Gazette are $1.25 per issue x months to 12/94 to Helpers' Network, 379 Amazon Ave., Cincinnati OH 45220-1148; the Gazette is free to other sources of B&B information. Information here can be freely copied or shared. Advertising rates: 1/2 page, $5; 1 page $10; 2 full sides, $15.00; classifieds FREE.
The hard copy of this issue included a photocopy of the interview with Guillermo del Toro, the director of Cronos, from the May 1994 issue of Fangoria.
Talk at Blockbuster...about a B&B Movie...MAYBE
Lyn Musaccio of the New England hotline recently talked to an executive of Blockbuster (now
the parent company of Republic and Spelling Entertainment), who told her there's been
discussion of the possibility of a B&B tv movie. JUST discussion....but that's a whole lot better
than nothing. Nothing's scheduled or even begun, but it's still encouraging. Think good
In a related item, the planned merger between Blockbuster and so-called media giant Viacom, the combo that was put together in the Paramount takeover bid that Viacom eventually won, has been called off. That leaves Blockbuster at the top of its particular corporate heap. On balance, that seems to be a good development because they'll be (Nan conjectures) more likely to be interested in making the most of what they have.... And part of what they have, through the takeover of Republic, is Beauty and the Beast. However, don't expect developments to come of this anytime soon. We're all eager for a B&B movie, but it's not worth getting your hopes up if that means crashing through the floor when early encouraging indications don't result in anything concrete for months and months and months.
Nan believes we're closer to a movie than at any time since cancellation. But she urges people to keep this in perspective and keep on stubbornly waiting and hoping and sometimes writing letters, just as we've all been doing all along. We B&B fans are tough, and we're in for the duration.
The letters to Spelling (still coming in, Nan hears, in record volume, thousands of letters a week) don't hurt either. If there are further positive developments, you'll hear about it here.
Ron Perlman
Ron is in France, filming on "City of Lost Children." He'll probably be there to/through August.
Linda Hamilton
According to B&B-bashing Entertainment Weekly, relayed by Lynn Kramer, another Batman
movie, "Batman Forever," is in the works for next year and among the top trio of female stars
being considered for the lead is Linda Hamilton. The other two are Robin Wright of "The
Princess Bride" (there ought to be a Robin in a Batman movie, shouldn't there?) and Jeanne
Triplehorn of "The Firm." Further news on this as it reaches us.
Jo Anderson
"Dangerous Games" changed title. Now it's called "Menendez: a Killing in Beverly Hills," and
it aired in late May. Jo, very well dressed and well-spoken, appeared in the second part of this
4 hour miniseries as the prosecutor.
Cinemaker Update
The UPDATED best guess for the publication dates for the next books due from Cinemaker:
Bright Spirit Descending by Nan Dibble is due to premiere at TunnelCon. By mail, Bright Spirit
is $11.45; in person, $9.95. The Official B&B Annotated Guidebook by Jana Ondrechen,
sporting 8 pages of color photos from the series, is now due by the end of July. Until that date,
the pre-publication price of $22.45 still holds; afterward, it will be $27.45 (including postage).
You can preorder these, or Legacy of Love ($11.45) from Helpers' Network. For those who
preordered through Nan, copies will be sent as soon as they reach her and she returns from
Ed Gross has evidently still not been successful in straightening out the problems with B,Dalton/ Barnes & Noble bookstores stocking the first two Cinemaker books. (Sigh.) No further news on Perlman and the Beast except that it's really coming...sometime.
TunnelCon Update
David Greenlee (Mouse) has been added to the list of confirmed star guests. However Armin
Shimerman (not among the confirmed guests) won't be able to make it because he's filming in
Canada, perhaps on the Star Trek Generations movie, though that's speculation.
Paulette Edwards will be kicking off her official Edward Albert fan club at a special
breakfast, and will have posters from Albert's well-known early film, "Butterflies Are Free."
Gloria Handley, of the Jo Anderson fan club, is also planning a get-together for all-season fans.
If you'd like to attend the latter gathering, contact Gloria immediately c/o Jo's Journal, 4195
Rolling Hills, Bettendorf IA 52722. The get-together is planned for Friday evening, July 6.
For convention membership contact Barbara Hix, 1521 Everett St., Las Vegas NV 89101.
TunnelCon III is July 8-10 at the Stardust in Las Vegas.
For information on joining Helpers' Network or a copy of the free Newcomer flyer giving an
overview of the fandom, send to Helpers' Network, 379 Amazon Ave., Cincinnati OH
The Spring Q-fer (Helpers' Network Quarterly Fanzine Review) is available: $8 full (all listings), $5 update (excerpting new/changed information) from Helpers' Network.
After TunnelCon, Helpers' Network will produce a flyer on all 1995 B&B calendars available. We know of three so far: two, one Classic, one Fourth Season, from Rosie Hauer, and a Classic calendar from Pat Leslie. We believe Australian fans are again planning a handsome weekly diary of the kind they offered last year. Full details to come, but if you or someone you know is planning a 1995 calendar we're not aware of, please let Nan know soon so she can include it in the flyer, announce it on the Hotline, etc.
From well-known fan artist Pam Tuck, news that $109,000 is needed to repair the bearings of the much beloved Central Park carousel. An article in the NY Daily News says that without the repair, the carousel will have to close in December and won't reopen in the spring. If you'd like to contribute or (better yet) organize some event to raise funds for this cause (do identify yourself as a B&B fan!) send to Central Park Conservency, 10 Columbus Circle, Suite 2155, NY NY 10019. Be sure to specify that your contribution is for the repair of the carousel.
You are invited to join the Official Roy Dotrice Fan Association for Great Britain (even if you live in the US, or wherever). Members get a signed photo, a certificate, stickers, note cards, Barb Gipon artwork of Roy, an acting bio, and other special items. Membership is $18.00 US, 8.00 UK, $22 EUR/PAC to Gwen Lord, 6 Meadow Lane, Leasingham, Sleaford, Lincs., NG34 8LL ENGLAND.
From Kathy Bayne and OASIS, the Official Armin Shimerman Information Service, news that we can look for Mrs. Armin, Kitty Swink, as a Bajoran minister on the repeat of the DS9 episode the week of 6/5.
Newly out on video according to Entertainment Weekly are two new films of interest: a science fiction thriller, "Man's Best Friend" starring Lance Henriksen (Snow) and Allie Sheedy about an experimental dog gone amok, and "The Dark," a Canadian horror film with Steven McHattie (Gabriel) and Brion James, the latter movie described as "well acted and intelligently paced." This from EW, which rarely has a good word to say about anything.
LOGO! T-shirts!
A logo for Helpers' Network has been designed by artist Rita Klemp, and Nan is having it put
on T-shirts. The logo is Vincent in profile, holding a rose: most tasteful. The shirts will come
in one color true blue. They'll be available for TunnelCon and, afterward, by mail.
Details to come.
The syndicated Steven Cannell series "Scene of the Crime" features Steven Mc Hattie in a
variety of roles, week by week. It airs on various days and times around the country but tends
to be on past midnight.
John Franklin, who played young Vincent in "Promises of Someday," reprised his role as furball Cousin It in "Adams Family Values," newly out on video. Robert Cornthwaite, the old man in "Labyrinths" and the stove salesman in "Down to a Sunless Sea," is now the mayor on "Picket Fences." Want to see him when he was younger? He's in the original "The Thing."
Close inspection of promos reveals that Steven McHattie is in "Beverly Hills Cop 3."
Free classified ads available for anything you can write on a standard 3x5 card. Send to Helpers'
Network by/before the middle of the month. Ads run once unless renewed.