The Helpers' Network GAZETTE - November 1994
a monthly newsletter for friends of "Beauty and the Beast"

This is the news roundup from Nan Dibble and Helpers' Network. Call the Central Hotline at 513-961-3317 or the East Hotline at 201-779-6040.

$1.25 per issue x months to 12/94 to Helpers' Network, 379 Amazon Ave., Cincinnati OH 45220-1148; free to other sources of B&B information. Information here can be freely copied or shared. Advertising rates: page, $5; 1 page $10; 2 full sides, $15.00; classifieds FREE. E-mail if you want to place an ad in this version of the classifieds, or if you need addresses for anything mentioned here.

Hard copy of the November Gazette has pictures of Cyndi Mitchell and Bill Whitefield, author and composer, respectively, of the new play "Once Upon A Time In the City of New York" and a flyer for that play, presented as a dramatic reading; and a handsome color flyer from Republic promoting the release of the next four videos.

B&B on SFC
The SF channel is planning to rerun B&B yet another time (its fourth complete airing, we think) in the winter and spring of 1995. However, no decision has yet been made about continuing it beyond that point, either on the SF channel or elsewhere. And in December, the SF channel is repeating the Pilot Playhouse (hosted by Ron Perlman) and Final Curtain (hosted by Lindsay Wagner) shows they aired last spring. The first and last episodes of Beauty and the Beast will be featured on the respective shows. Pilot Playhouse aired Dec. 11; Final Curtain, the show of final episodes of series, will air Dec. 17, beginning at 2 pm. The first show will be "Legacies." Thanks to Lyn Musaccio of the New England Hotline and to Ray Canella of the SF channel for this information.

For the first new set of 4 episodes (9-12) the ordering date is Dec. 14, release date is Jan. 4th. The episodes involved are "Dark Spirit," "A Children's Story," "An Impossible Silence," and "Shades of Grey." They're priced at $14.95 each. Besides Blockbuster, another good source of B&B tapes is Suncoast, mostly found in malls, and the new chain, Mediaplay.

Nan encourages everyone to buy at least one of these tapes, to let Republic know we're still here and still interested. Letters help, but money always talks. Debbie Martin of Martin Enterprises will also undoubtedly be carrying the tapes, and you'll be able to order from her, once they're available.

Not only are the next four episodes coming in January--another four, 13-16, will be released in September. Nan finally will get a commercial quality tape of "Alchemist!" Republic's new marketing director, Peggy Ray, didn't know whether laser discs would also be available. Ms. Ray promised to check and get back to Nan, who'll relay when she hears. At Ms. Ray's request, Jim Grace, of Republic Home Video, sent Nan the handsome promotional flyer for the tapes that's included with this Gazette. In his cover letter, Mr. Grace also remarks that, "Republic pictures only owns distribution rights to the Beauty and the Beast series. Therefore we have no influence over production of additional episodes or a film version. Writing letters concerning additional episodes or a film version to Republic Pictures or Mr. Ron Castell at Blockbuster Entertainment is, honestly speaking, a waste of time. These letters should instead be directed to Witt/Thomas Productions, the owner of the rights to and sole producer of the series. Passing this information on to your fan club will ensure that your fans get heard."

Feel like writing some more letters in '95, hmmm?

For the first time since summer, Ed Gross of Cinemaker talked to one of us, in this case Jana Ondrechen, who relayed to Nan. According to this conversation, Ed is very apologetic for the delay in releasing the next books and probably still doesn't understand why the silence, the lack of information on what was going on, was even worse for us. Anyhow, he says he still hasn't succeeded in collecting from the distributor in Canada who owes him $30,000, and that's hampered him in all kinds of ways, especially producing the next few books. However, Nan's next book, Bright Spirit Descending, is at the printer. Though Ed didn't say specifically, it should be published in the next couple of months. And Ed assured Jana that her Guidebook (The Official Beauty and the Beast Annotated Guidebook) would indeed be published (she'd begun to wonder) sometime after that, probably late spring or early summer: before the convention, anyway (Nan's guess).

Nan knows those who've ordered, and intended to order, these books have been waiting with increasing impatience and frustration, and so have Nan and Jana and the next author in line, Rhonda Collins. Ed's call, the first since summer to any of us (who have left practically daily messages on his answering machine), again reassures Nan that despite delays, the books will indeed be published in the relatively near future.

Ed's license to publish B&B books comes up for renewal next year and Nan has no idea whether he intends to renew. However, this has no effect at all on the intended publication of Perlman and the Beast, since it's Ron Perlman's own personal recollections, and nobody's permission save Ron's (which Ed already has) is needed for Ed to publish it. Whether Ed has the license or not makes no difference at all. Since this book is the most marketable of any Ed's had in the works so far, and since nearly all the work on it has already been done (the interviews were done long since), Nan has no question whatever in her mind that it will eventually be published. This is, however, a conclusion on Nan's part, not anything Ed has said; but at this point she's more willing to rely on her own conclusions than Ed's sometimes overconfident estimates. Nan believes that everyone who ordered a copy of Perlman and the Beast, either signed or unsigned, will eventually get it. Please don't be anymore impatient than you can help. We're all dancing as fast as we can--Ed Gross included.

From, originally, the Mirror Pool, the publication of the Carousels and Caverns community, Nan learned about a dramatic reading of Once Upon a Time in the City of New York, a new musical based on OUR B&B in New York in January. Actors will read the lines and sing the songs rather than performing them. No costumes, no sets. Nan talked to the author, Cyndi Mitchell, who said that she sold or stored everything she owned and moved from her lifelong home in LA to New York to develop this play. B&B changed her life, too, and she's arguably as crazy as the rest of us. Cyndi has a background in theater, but this is her first full-length play. She's invited critics and potential backers to this dramatic reading in hopes of mounting a full scale play that might then tour cities where there's a large enough B&B community to support it. Once Upon... may be staged for A Distant Shore, but that's not decided.

The musical is based primarily on the pilot and "A Happy Life," Cyndi said, but with some original material and some things drawn from "Siege," "A Kingdom by the Sea," and "The Rest is Silence." Vincent gets to do a duet with the Other, which sounds intriguing. The music and songs, all original, are by Cyndi's partner, Bill Whitefield.

The readings are at the Bruno Walter Auditorium of Lincoln Center on January 9 and 10, a Monday and Tuesday. The doors open at 2:30 and the reading begins at 3:00, lasting about an hour and a half. There is no admission charge. Nan truly hopes everybody who can go, will, to show support for this new project.

Promotional material about the reading has been enclosed, supplied by the kindness of Ms. Mitchell herself.

Yes, Nan knows she already told you, but so many people's Gazette subscriptions expire with the January issue that she wanted to be certain they all knew that 1995 Gazettes, past their current subscriptions, will cost $1.50 an issue, $18 a year, to compensate for an increase in US First-Class postage that's expected to hit in January. When your current subscription expires (check your mailing label for the date), please multiply the number of months remaining to December, 1995 by $1.50 and send that amount to renew for the coming year. Of course, you can subscribe for less than a whole year, if you want to.

Those with subscriptions that run past March (except for members of Helpers' Network, whose subscriptions are part of membership) will simply have their expiration date shortened by one month (December 1995, presumably), beginning with the mailing labels of the March issue; or they can send Nan the $2 difference, whichever they prefer.

Only 10 memberships remain to complete the charter memberships in Helper's Network. Everybody will be welcome to join afterward, but there's something special, Nan thinks, in being a charter member: one who's been there, helping get an organization off the ground and support what it's doing, in its sometimes wobbly beginnings. If you'd like to join this select group, you'll need to act before the end of the year to be a charter member. Membership in Helpers' Network costs $25 a year. A membership form is enclosed for those who'd like to join or renew.

On a personal note, I (Nan) want to say that the support and encouragement of members of Helpers' Network has done a lot to keep me going this past, very financially trying, year. Helpers have contributed to a new VCR, so I can keep making tapes for (it sometimes seems) half the world, listened to my whining, sent me a drawing of me and Vincent looking soulfully into each other's eyes, sent me calendars and other unexpected goodies, and generally engaged in acts of random kindness I will always treasure. I hope I've been able to return some of this crazy kindness, and I know that other helpers besides me have gained support, friendship, and renewed energy from belonging. Try it: you'll like it!

On New Year's Eve, there will be a drawing in which all current members are included, the prize being a beautiful etched glass mug with a Beth Blighton head of Vincent on one side and the B&B logo on the other. If you're in doubt when you're due to renew, look at your certificate to see when you joined.

The Fall Q-fer (Helpers' Network Quality Fanzine Review) is now available. It's $8 for the full Q-fer (each issue completely updated) or $5 for the update (excerpting the new or changed information) to Helpers' Network. This price good worldwide.

A Ron Perlman Calendar
There's a late but handsome addition to the list of 1995 calendars being produced. Pam Sondag of Faces of Perlman is producing an 8 x 11 Ron Perlman calendar with all color photos (12 or 13) and facts and dates relating to Ron's career. Profits will be donated to the spina bifida association. The calendar is $30 + shipping and handling: $2 US; $3 CAN; $7 ELSE, all foreign orders in US funds. Calendars are sent 1st class, insured. Send to Faces of Perlman, PO Box 1144, Bellevue NE 68005-1144.

Helper Irene Marie Wong Seen in Canada tells us an original cast version of the Disney B&B stage play is available on CD from Moonstone Records for $19.95.

D'vora Pariente announces that the banquet at A Distant Shore will be on Sunday. So in making your travel plans, you'll want to figure to stay at least through Sunday night.

Atlanta B&B fan Paula Vitaris is developing a lively career as a journalist. She recently interviewed writers for the X-files series. That interview is in the January issue of Starlog, #210, on sale now. The interview she did last summer with David Schwartz will likely be published, also by Starlog, sometime this spring.

In November, Roy Dotrice reprised his role in Picket Fences as Father Barrett. This time, he was suspected of murder.

Guarding Tess with Edward Albert is out on video.

Miniaturist Jane Freeman has a new limited edition color poster, "Vincent at the Threshold." It will be reproduced in the December Gazette. The poster is 11 x 17 and costs $10/ea, $18/2, $25/3 (mailing tube and postage included); from Europe, add $2/order extra for postage. Order from Jane Freeman, 21 Harrison St. #3, New York NY 10013.

Ho Ho Ho!
If you want to send Christmas cards to our favorite people, Ron Perlman and Jo Anderson can both be reached c/o the Gersh Agency, PO Box 5617, Beverly Hills CA 90210; Linda Hamilton can be reached c/o ICM, 8899 Beverly Blvd., LA CA 90048; Roy Dotrice can be reached through The Roy Dotrice Fan Association c/o Gwen Lord, 6 Meadow Lane, Leasingham, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 8LL England. Edward Albert can be reached through Paulette Edwards, 2501 MacArthur Drive, Waco TX 76708. Jay Acovone can be reached c/o Fonda St. Paul, 3811 Multiview Dr., LA CA 90086. Nan's been unable to get a reliable current address for Ron Koslow. If you know one, relay to Nan.

'Beauty and the Beast UK Chamber' - the first UK based fan club for the TV series. Club magazine (The Chronicle) 40+ pages of member input - stories, articles, reviews, letters, poetry, art, quizzes & information - March, June, Sept & Dec. Also produce 'The Journal', 16 pages, April, July, Oct, Jan between Chronicles to keep members up to date. Voted best club magazine for 2 years since inception of the British Annual Awards. US Membership $22 (US dollars, cash please). Send to: Sheila Waters, 14 Judith Road, Kettering, Northants NN16 0NX, UK.

MASK: TALES FROM THE UNDERGROUND is a zine exploring the worlds of "Beauty and the Beast" and "Phantom of the Opera". We alternate issues between each universe. There are also zines in this series featuring all "Beauty and the Beast". Our emphasis is on well-plotted stories emphasizing Catherine and Vincent's relationship against the backdrops of the worlds Above and Below. For detailed flyers send email or send SASE to Kathleen Resch, PO Box 1766, Temple City, CA, 91780.

Helpers' Network (US)
An organization dedicated to promoting Beauty and the Beast, the whole series; supporting and encouraging the fandom, in all its wonderful diversity; and making friends.

Helpers' Network reflects the interests and enthusiasms of its members, taking on projects and networking with one another. Next year, a 1995 B&B Helpers' Network calendar is planned, for instance. As a group, Helpers' Network can do things none of its members could do alone. That's the strength of community: where each gives help where it's needed and accepts help, in turn: sharing who and what we are and trying to live the best we can in the spirit of Beauty and the Beast--Keeping the dream alive in our own lives...and together!

Membership in Helpers' Network costs $25.00 a year.

Helpers Receive:

1. A membership certificate attesting that you are a genuine HELPER, a valued member of Helpers' Network.

2. Your choice of many premiums including all Helpers' Network has to offer: The Helpers' Network Gazette (a monthly newsletter); The Helpers' Network Quality Fanzine Review ("Q-fer"); audio and video tapes; and T-shirts and totebags with the Helpers' Network logo.

Those who join or renew before the end of December, 1994, will be entered in a drawing whose prize is a clear glass mug etched with the B&B logo and a reproduction of a Beth Blighton head of Vincent--a spectacularly lovely and unique work of art done by Theresa Bennett of Georgia.

If you'd like to become a helper, please fill out the attached membership form; if you are renewing your membership, please indicate what you'd like as your premium. Send the completed form to Helpers' Network, 389 Amazon Ave., Cincinnati OH 45220-1148.

Helpers' Network Member Information Sheet

Phone (day?) (evening?)

I enclose a check or money order for $25.00 (send to Helpers' Network, 379 Amazon Ave., Cincinnati OH 45220-1148). For my membership (or renewal), I'd like (please mark off what you'd like, but CHOOSE ONLY ONE ITEM: I, II, III, IV or V.):

I. A 1-year subscription to the Helpers' Network Gazette.


II. A poly/cotton blend T-shirt OR sturdy zippered totebag in true blue, with the Helpers' Network logo. Shirts come in L (18), XL (20), XXL (22). Either additional shirts or totes can be ordered at the membership rate: $18.00 each. These are in limited supply: when they're gone, they're gone...until summer, 1995. You'll also get six months of the Helpers' Network Gazette.

T-shirt (what size? L XL XXL)



III. Two videos of your choice (any that Helpers' Network offers, at SP speed: 4 total hours of playing time; if you'd like a list of episodes/tapes available, tell us when you send in your membership) plus six months of the Gazette.

Video: 1.



IV. Both 1995 issues of the Helpers' Network Quality Fanzine Review (the "Q-fer:" published at the end of February and of August), plus six months of the Gazette.


V. An audiotape of "Vincent's Letters to Catherine" from the phone "Dial-A-Beast" Letterline, written by Ron Koslow and performed by Ron Perlman, together with a transcript of the letters done on parchment. You'll also (of course) get six months of the Gazette.


Please indicate your preference:

YES: I DO want my name, address, and phone number listed, so I can get acquainted with other members, and they with me.
NO: I DON'T want my name, address, or phone number listed. I prefer to keep my membership private.

Please tell something of yourself. If you prefer that it not be published, it won't be. It will be just between you and Nan Dibble. Please write the information on a separate piece of paper and return it with this membership form.

1. Your birth day and month (the year is your own business).

2. What was the first B&B episode you ever saw? When were you hooked? What, precisely, hooked you? What do you love most/least about B&B? How has it affected your life?

3. What has been the attitude of family members/those around you to your fascination with B&B?

4. What special interests do you have, besides B&B? What professional expertise? Is there something you do that you'd like to share with others? Is there something you wish for, that others could help you do or achieve?

5. What would you like Helpers' Network to be, and to become in the future?

Add extra pages as needed: we'd like to know more about you!

Note: for on-line readers, you can either copy the relevant information from this sheet and send it, or send the information on diskette (IBM, any size/density, ASCII), together with your payment, if you'd like to join Helpers' Network.

The End.