This is the news roundup from Nan Dibble and Helpers' Network. Call the Central Hotline at 513-961-3317 or the East Hotline at 201-779-6040.
Hard copies of the Gazette are $1.50 each to Helpers' Network, 379 Amazon Ave., Cincinnati OH 45220-1148. Ad rates are 1/2 page $5, 1 page $10, 2 full sides, $15. Classified FREE (and included in the online version, as well).
From Lyn Musacchio comes word of Roy Dotrice's doings, as
conveyed in a letter from Roy to Lynette Combs. Roy is in Santa
Fe, doing an episode of Earth 2, playing "the Elder". It may
develop into a recurring role. P. K. Simonds, one of the writers
for B&B, is of course one of the producers on that series. Roy
has reportedly also made another episode of Picket Fences, in his
recurring role as a priest. (UPDATE - The above mention E2
appearance will be airing 3/11/95 - this Sunday)
Ron Perlman's agent's office reports that Ron had a guest role in
a pilot made in France but intended for American TV. The
proposed series is called Mr. Stitch and was directed and
produced by Roger Avary, the writer behind the original stories
on which the scripts for the offbeat hits, Killing Zoey and Pulp
Fiction, were based. We'll keep an eye out for the pilot whether
or not it's sold. And Ron is now working on a movie of the week
for CBS, title, subject, and size of part still unknown. More
details when they're available.
According to helper Darlene Sullivan, Buena Vista, a subsidiary
of Disney, is going to bring out a remake of Tom Sawyer. One of
the three writers involved in the project is Ron Koslow. Filming
should begin this spring. Koslow's European-made series,
Sherwood's Travels, is being shown on European TV, according to
Lyn Musacchio.
Reprinted here is the text of a TV interview with Jo Anderson on
a LA morning talk show in December, 1994, as first reported in
the Winter issue of The Mirror Pool. In January, Jo became one
of the regular cast members of the series Sisters (better than
recurring, even!) upon the departure of one of the original cast
KTLA INTERVIEWER: Here's a rather ethereal actress who's making waves on the small screen. Jo Anderson has joined the cast of "Sisters" as the mysterious 'fifth sister'. Jo is also no stranger to fans of the cult-like, popular "Beauty and the Beast" -- she took over the title character from Linda Hamilton. Now Jo is back in the limelight in "Sisters". What has the reaction been? Television is so big and it does make an impact. After the first show did people start coming up to you and pulling your hair?
JO: It's funny you use the metaphor "hair" because last season my hair was long on the show and I walked out one day after it had aired and that was the case! This year, because I went through chemotherapy on the show, we decided to have my hair short because of the circumstances. So, I'm in a WIG.
INTERVIEWER: (after showing a clip from "Sisters") You were in another show that alot of people watched. People who watched Beauty and the Beast held it very dear. Do you still hear about that show?
JO: That was a very humbling experience in terms of myself as an actor and the audience. You know, you show up at work and it's dark, especially on that show -- the hours were...immense. You go home and it's dark. And you just begin to think you're doing this little thing in a closet and nobody ever knows about it. The fans are so extraordinarily loyal and committed to the show. When it went off the air, it was really a heartbreak. I've had the good fortune to meet not only fans in this country but I went to a small convention in Germany a few years ago. And it just humbled me to know that people's lives were really affected by what we do. It's so easy for a lot of us to go, "Well, you know, it's not brain surgery..." but the truth is that what you put on the airwaves affects people way on the other side of the world. I was in Jordan and someone from Kuwait came up to me in reference to the show who spoke no English -- you know, they translated [the series] into Arabic. Not only "Beauty and the Beast", but many shows go all over the world. It's very gratifying to know that people embrace it.
[Ed. thanks to The Mirror Pool editor Ben Bock for this item, and repeating his thanks to Rosie Badgett in regard to it, too. Next month's reprint of Paula Vitaris' interview with David Schwartz in the March Starlog emphasizes the extremely long hours and tight turn-round time that dominated the shooting of third season; and yet Jo, who knew only those conditions, consistently mentions the series and her part in it with affection and respect. Amazing, huh? Incidentally, that German convention, nearly two hours of Jo discussing her work and the series, is available from Nan at the usual $8.50 per tape.
Jeanne Cloud (of OUT/IN) is trying to put together a cheap group
rate airfare from various parts of the country to A Distant Shore
in July. Although the cutoff date was Feb. 15th, you should
still contact Jeanne if you're interested and you may be able to
get in on the low fares once they've been set up. Write Jeanne
Cloud, 906 N. Jefferson, Iola, KS 66749 as soon as possible.
Those in travelling distance of Kennedy airport in NY may be interested in extremely low airfare for convention goers being set up by Robin Schindler, president of the Bruce Abbott fan club. Robin is a travel agent and is arranging a group fare for round trip flights to LA from Kennedy for the convention. The price quoted was $289, round trip. If you're interested, call Robin during CA business hours at 1-800-624-6679 or write her c/o Ladera Travel, 2041 Rosecrans Ave., Suite 103, El Segundo, CA 90245; FAX (310) 322-9900; on America Online, the Internet address is As the official travel agent for A Distant Shore, Robin will try to put together travel arrangements for you from other parts of the country as well.
Next, clearing up of a misunderstanding. Somebody last summer called the convention hotel, the LAX Doubletree, and was quoted the wrong price. This has escalated into a rumor that the hotel rates for the convention are much higher than in fact they are. Now, a letter written last summer has been belatedly published, reinforcing that rumor. Nan has talked to both Mike Maloney and D'vora Pariente of the Carousels and Caverns Community, who are most eager to set the record straight. The hotel rates are a super-cheap $59 a night, exactly as originally quoted, despite the clerk's mistake last summer. If you hear there's been a change, know that is isn't true.
To get convention information, including the newest update on planned events, now including (besides the bus tour and play, on Monday), a Masquerade Ball (costume required!) and so forth, write to D'vora Pariente, P. O. Box 9287, Anaheim, CA 92812. (NOTE: The information is also available right here on America Online. Go to keyword: sci fi then click on (or scroll down to) the Science Fiction Libraries then click on Fantasy Library. All the latest ADS convention info is there - in two files. This includes the registration form, too.)
In regard to the 1996 convention, Lyn Musacchio, one of the principal organizers, has repeatedly stated to Nan her (Lyn's) firm intention that that convention will be an all-season convention, one at which all fans will be welcome. In Nan's view, whether or not 3rd season guests are invited is immaterial: what convention, up to now, has had 3rd season guests? So what? Nan, an all-season fan herself, has enjoyed all the past conventions (she's missed only TunnelCon I) enormously, just the same, and felt comfortable and welcomed there by organizers and participants alike. The guests are not the issue; the atmosphere and scheduled events are. And Nan believes Lyn's assurances that all-season fans will find panels, artwork, and other convention events to interest and entertain them. It will, emphatically, NOT be a "Classic Only" event. If you hear to the contrary, know that the intention of the convention's organizers is to make the 1996 convention a fine gathering in the spirit of all those that have gone before, one at which everyone who loves Beauty and the Beast...any of it or all of it...will have a wonderful time.
Now, something Nan finds most exciting. Barb Breuer in Minneapolis called to say she'd put down the deposit to secure hotel accommodations for the 1997 convention. So three conventions are in the planning stages, stretching the future out before us with joy and hope. Barb will need and welcome a lot of help from people in the midwest in organizing the '97 convention, when things are a little farther along. Nan has assured her the help will be there for the asking, and when it's appropriate, Nan will pass along information on contacting Barb to volunteer. But all that's required of you now is to sit around and smile a lot, as Nan's been doing.
Last and probably least, a small tempest over certain footage in the TunnelCon III video. In a recent published letter, a concerned fan objected to this footage that involved Nan and a few other all-season fans discussing the state of tolerance in this fandom. The letter-writer didn't like such a discussion being made in so public a forum as a convention video (she took it to be part of the panel session concerning Diana). What the letter-writer didn't and couldn't know, with only the tape itself to go by, is that this was a private conversation among a few friends after both the panel and the following meeting of the Jo Anderson fan club were OVER. No audience was present. The room was empty except for 4 or 5 friends who rarely get a chance to talk face to face...and a videographer way off at the other end of the room, whom Nan, at least, had completely forgotten about by that time.
Although Nan is unapologetic about what was said and feels it's absurd to call the conversation "fan bashing" (as the letterwriter did) since no fan whatsoever was even so much as criticized (really, in all honesty, it's pretty dull, bland stuff with nil shock value), it's nevertheless unfortunate that the resulting footage was included on he tape since it's so easily misinterpreted, out of context. Phil Smith, like the letter-writer, assumed it was part of the session, found it interesting, and put it in; and, although surprised, Nan at first saw nothing wrong with it, not realizing it could be (and had been) interpreted as part of something public rather than one of the video's many miscellaneous "candid" sequences of fans "fanning," as it were. Nan has no criticism for Phil or his crew: they were doing what they were supposed to do, taping whatever was going on. It was only Nan's inexperience in such matters that's the culprit here, if culprit there be. She's not used to checking on whether or not she's being taped. Hereafter, at a convention, she'll try to do her own "fanning" more discreetly and more wisely.
The venerable and deservedly respected letterzine, Once Upon a
Time is Now, generally known as OUT/IN, will have to stop
publishing at the end of this year unless there's a large volume
of new subscriptions, its editors, Loreen Vanderkraatz and Jeanne
Cloud, report to us.
OUT/IN is published every 2 months and costs $3 an issue. It carries letters, news, photos, and many special features. The cut-off issue, at which the editors will decide whether they're going on or not, is #60: roughly the end of this year. That's plenty of time to mount a rescue effort...especially if you don't know what you've been missing or why it's worth saving.
To get all the remaining issues of OUT/IN costs $18. But Nan suggests that, if you're not familiar with this fine publication, you send them $3 immediately, RIGHT NOW, to see why Nan encourages EVERYONE IN THIS FANDOM to subscribe.
You risk nothing. The publication isn't going to collapse without warning (like some, much lamented and not-so-lamented, that we can all bring to mind). The editors will be carrying on at least until the end of this year. All subscriptions until that time will be honored.
How much is $3, to get a taste of the excellent and unique publication? Then, if you like it, subscribe for the remaining issues, adding your encouragement and your money to keep it going, so it will continue to be there for all of us. Send your $3 for the current issue to Jeanne Cloud, 906 N. Jefferson, Iola, KS 66749.
"Keeping the Dream Alive" has become a catchphrase in this fandom, but it's one Nan believes in most seriously in what she tried to do with the Hotline and Helpers' Network. Part of helping to keep the dream alive is keeping alive those publications that serve this fandom. Do your part: send OUT/IN $3 right away to help keep a valued forum for all the various voices and flavors of opinion in this fandom, a lively publication that's been going for about 8 years: It's among the oldest B&B publications left, and surely one of the finest. Support it, keep it going.
Nan particularly appeals to members of Helpers' Network and those who get the Gazette. To really know what's going on, you need, not only news, but the expression of ideas and attitudes of the fandom which only a letterzine can provide. OUT/IN deserves your support. Please give it.
Terrylene (Laura in "An Impossible Silence", "Sticks and Stones",
"Though Lovers be Lost...", "Walk Slowly", and "The Reckoning")
was sighted (the sighter thinks) in a generic "Birthing Center"
commercial, nixing the proposed baby name her husband
(presumably) suggests on a flash card. She also has a small role
in the new-to-tape Natural Born Killers.
The X-Files won the Golden Globe award for the best Drama Series. Supervising producers Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa were thanked by name (they were principal writers for B&B; Gansa has since left X-Files).
Edward Albert (Elliot Burch) played a charmingly French-accented Indian in an episode of the syndicated series Hawkeye in January.
Bruce Abbott (Devin) guested in an episode of Murder She Wrote in early February.
Jay Acovone (Joe Maxwell) appeared in an episode of NYBD Blue in early February.
Through the kindness of both Marion Kozlowski in CT and Ron
Bonsack in OK, Nan now has a copyable tape of the subtitled
version (Ron Perlman's own voice is used) of Cronos, an award-
winning and unusual vampire movie. Tapes are the usual $8.50
($9.50 US/from Canada; $10 US/Europe) to Helpers' Network.
Through further kindness of Marilyn Almond, Nan has a copyable audio copy of Lee Holdridge's Symphonic Hollywood, now out of print; his theme for B&B is included. Nan also has Don Davis B&B suite from Hyperspace, Of Love and Hope, and Vincent's Letters to Catherine. Any two fit on a standard 90-minute audiotape, mix and match, at $5 per tape ($1.50 to HN members) to Helpers' Network.
Nan's also making audiotapes of Caliban's Hour to $5 (same price for everybody) but encourages anybody who can afford the $20 to buy or order it through any large bookstore that handles audiotapes rather than getting it from her. The author, the publisher, and Ron Perlman, the narrator, deserve not to have their investment in this book undercut by some amateur, namely Nan, except for those who absolutely can't afford it otherwise. We're on the honor system here.
From helper Roz Levinson, who talked to Howard Gordon at a Creation convention in NYC the last week of Feb., comes word that the rumor concerning a possible future X-Files/B&B crossover script is, alas, unfounded. On a promotional tape played at some Creation cons, Howard made a joking remark about such a crossover, a remark some hopeful hearers took very seriously indeed. But Howard now says we shouldn't hold our breath because such a show isn't likely.
Those new to the fandom may not know Kathy Cox. Until she took what we hope will be a brief break to concentrate on family concerns, Kathy was without question among the finest writers in this fandom. Kathy's made a very generous gesture: she's donated a case each of two of her books, Destiny 3, an anthology zine, and Love and Light: The Fable, to benefit Helpers' Network. These are full-sized Classic zines. D3 has fine stories and wonderful illustrations. L&L is an alternate reality story in which Vincent and Catherine first meet by magic in a cave where both are imprisoned until/unless Catherine learns to love the being who she calls Captor, believing him responsible for her captivity. Both are fine reading. Members of Helpers' Network can have either book for $2 or both for $2.50 (just the cost of the postage); non-members can have either for $3 or both for $5; all European orders add $5, please. If you're interested in excellent fan writing and want to enjoy Kathy's generosity, send to Helpers' Network, 379 Amazon Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45220-1148.
"Befriending Beauty and the Beast," an article by Paula Vitaris, Atlanta freelance writer and all-star B&B fan, based on her interview with David Schwartz, was published in the March Starlog with many vivid photos. Nan recommends you buy this issue while it's available, as a keepsake. But the text of the article will be reprinted in the February Gazette.
Loreen Vanderkraatz of the letterzine Once Upon a Time is Now informed us that Becky Vaughan, one of the first fandom, died suddenly Jan. 25 of a heart attack at the age of 42. Becky attended TunnelCon I and was Ron Koslow's escort at the Viewers for Quality Television convention and MediaWest some years ago. On behalf of her many friends within the fandom and the series itself, a wreath of red and white roses with a Winterfest candle at the center appeared at the funeral, Loreen told us. Becky will be much missed and remembered with affection.
Congratulations to Lyn Musacchio and family on the adoption of a baby son, to be named Steven Vincent (for family names, she insists!) in late February.
From Vivian Liebgold comes release dates for two of Ron Perlman's movies, Fluke, starring Matthew Modine, described as O Heavenly Dog meets The Incredible Journey, is due to premiere in March; the futuristic fantasy film Ron made in France last year, City of Lost Children, is scheduled for release next fall.
Classified ads printed FREE for anything that can be written on a
3 X 5 card. Ads run once unless renewed.
Thinning a large collection of B&B buy MORE! For list, prices, contact Joan Colbert, 3349 Lindale Court, Ellenwood, GA 30049.
20 miniature scenes from B&B. Postcards and photographs in full color. Send SASE for information to: Jane Freeman, 21 Harrison Street, #3, New York, NY 10013.
Beauty and the Beast Birthday Calendar. This Birthday Calendar is a perpetual calendar to note the birthdays of all your friends and loved ones. 12 classic pen and ink drawings by Rosemarie Hauer. Each page is an original laser print on 120 g paper. Size A4 (21 x 30 cm). Europe ATS 140.00 or L8.00 or $12.00 or DM20.00. USA $15.00 (airmail). Postage and handling included. Please cash only. Available from: Rosemarie Hauer, Muhlgasse 20/5, A-2560 Berndorf, Austria
ONLINE ADS - E-mail to place an online ad.
'Beauty and the Beast UK Chamber' - the first UK based fan club for the TV series. Club magazine (The Chronicle) 40+ pages of member input - stories, articles, reviews, letters, poetry, art, quizzes & information - March, June, Sept & Dec. Also produce 'The Journal', 16 pages, April, July, Oct, Jan between Chronicles to keep members up to date. Voted best club magazine for 2 years since inception of the British Annual Awards. US Membership $22 (US dollars, cash please). Send to: Sheila Waters, 14 Judith Road, Kettering, Northants NN16 0NX, UK.
MASK: TALES FROM THE UNDERGROUND is a zine exploring the worlds of "Beauty and the Beast" and "Phantom of the Opera". We alternate issues between each universe. There are also zines in this series featuring all "Beauty and the Beast". Our emphasis is on well-plotted stories emphasizing Catherine and Vincent's relationship against the backdrops of the worlds Above and Below. For detailed flyers send email or send SASE to Kathleen Resch, PO Box 1766, Temple City, CA, 91780.