The Helpers' Network GAZETTE - March 1995
a monthly newsletter for friends of "Beauty and the Beast"

This is the news roundup from Nan Dibble and Helpers' Network. Call the Central Hotline at 513-961-3317 or the East Hotline at 201-779-6040.

Hard copies of the Gazette are $1.50 each to Helpers' Network, 379 Amazon Ave., Cincinnati OH 45220-1148. Ad rates are 1/2 page $5, 1 page $10, 2 full sides, $15. Classified FREE (and included in the online version, as well).

Hard copy of the March Gazette includes ads for two new zines; the text and descriptions of the art are at the end of this file.

Hard copies of the Gazette are $1.50 each to Helpers' Network, 379 Amazon Ave., Cincinnati OH 45220-1148. Ad rates are 1/2 page $5, 1 page $10, 2 full sides, $15. Classified FREE (and included in the on-line version, as well).

"The Elder"--an endangered species?
Roy Dotrice has appeared twice, now, as "The Elder" in the series Earth 2. That's the good news: he's definitely recurring. The bad news is that Earth 2 is itself endangered. It was recently featured in TV Guide's "Save Our Shows" list, in which fans of shows in danger of cancellation were invited to write or phone in support of their favorites. No word, yet, on the show's fate.

Roy has also appeared several times, recently, in his recurring role as "Father Barrett" in Picket Fences.

Ron P as a Goodie???
The title of Ron Perlman's TV movie changed from "Acts of Contrition" to the sexier "Original Sins." It aired on April 12 as the CBS Movie of the Week. It's a murder mystery about a talk show in which people phone in their deepest secrets, some of which it's dangerous to know. The cast includes Julianne Phillips (formerly of "Sisters"), Mark Harmon, Sarah Trigger, and David Clennon, (Cullen). Ron Perlman plays Chas Brawley, the manager of the radio station: a small part, but without elaborate makeup. Ron wasn't the baddie, and he didn't get splatterd at the end. So all in all, a pleasant change of pace. Thanks to Lyn Kramer and to Donna Koich, who spotted a clip about this movie on Entertainment Tonight and relayed.

Cinemaker Update
This from Ed Gross, in a note to Helper Lisa Howard:

"Hi there. Re: 'Perlman and the Beast'--I'm busting my behind on it. Last year the majority of the text was lost when I had a hard drive crash and I have been trying to regroup ever since. I did speak to Ron the other night, though, and everything is great. We're going to do another interview in fact to update his life, so to speak, since our last session. I know this one's been a long time in coming, but I don't think people will be disappointed.

"By the way, if all goes according to plan (and how often does that happen?), by the convention this summer I should be publishing Nan [Dibble]'s 'Bright Spirit Descending,' Jana [Ondrechen]'s 'The Official Beauty and the Beast Annotated Guidebook,' Rhonda Collins' 'Legacy of Love' and my own compilation book, 'The Best of Above & Below,' which will feature essays, a behind the scenes episode guide, a look at the lost episodes and more. Take care."

[Editor's note:. For clarity, there were no "lost episodes," only some planned but never filmed, others that never got beyond script stage--David Schwartz' "For Better or Worse," for instance.]

1995 Fan-Q Awards
If you won't be at the convention but would still like to participate in the voting for this year's "Fan-Q" awards (for zines, newsletters, art, stories, poetry, et al.), send a note requesting a FINAL ballot and a business-sized (#10) self addressed stamped return envelope to:

Cecelia Pitts
Box 628
Culver City CA 90232-0628

Cecelia says the final ballots will be sent out the first of June, and they'll need to return to Cecelia by Friday, June 22nd.

RE: Republic Videos
When we reported that the new set of four Republic videos had sold out, we meant only that they were TEMPORARILY unavailable and backordered by video stores, pending a new printing. You can still get them with, at this point, probably a minimal wait.

In regard to which, Marion Kozlowski relays information of interest to he affluent among us. Critic's Choice Video, a mail order house, is offering he first 12 videos as a boxed set for $169.95. However, you can't order episodes singly, except the pilot, which costs $14.99 (and you can get that cheaper at discount outlets like Suncoast and Media Play). However, if you're interested in the boxed set, there's a toll-free number for credit card orders: 1-800-367-7765; and an address, Critic's Choice Videos, PO Box 749, Itasca IL 60143-0749. Marion says that Critic's Choice is a good source for hard to find videos, and they'll order things for you, which is unusual. So if you sometimes have trouble locating videos you want to buy, you might at least want to write to request their catalogue.

Incidentally, Mike Maloney tells us that the next set of 4 B&B videos, 13-16, will have an early premiere at A Distant Shore, courtesy of Republic. Everybody else will have to wait until September.

"When The Bough Breaks" is out on video; in it, Ron P. gets third billing, after Ally Walker and Martin Sheen. Lewis Smith (Diana's boyfriend Mark) is in "In the Line of Duty: Ambush in Waco," airing on HBO. John Diehl (the pimp from "The Hollow Men") has a major supporting role in new-to-video "Stargate" with Kurt Russell. Other sightings, contributed by helper Maxine Mayer, include the appearance of Robert Armstrong (Elliot Burch's father in "A Kingdom By the Sea") in a short role at the beginning of the newish movie "Payback," currently on pay-per-view. Maxine also reports that Lance Henriksen (Snow) stars opposite a female martial arts expert in pay-per-view "Spitfire."

From Sandy Shelton via Lyn Musacchio, added to the guest list for A Distant Shore are Ron Castell, a VP at Blockbuster and a boardmember at Spelling, and Robert Sigman, the CEO of Republic. More and more, we're convinced this is going to be a convention any B&B fan will be sorry to have missed, and it's not too late to register. For registration information, send to D'vora Pariente, Box 9287, Anaheim CA 92812.

From Gloria Handly, the news that Jo Anderson has changed agents. Jo has moved from the Gersh Agency to Don Buchwald & Associates, 9229 Sunset Blvd., Suite 710, Los Angeles CA 90069.

There's still time to register for B&B Festival '95, the Second Annual Midwest Beauty and the Beast Writer's Workshop and Fan Get Together to be held June 23-25, 1995 in Bettendorf, Iowa. The guest of honor will be Jo Anderson, who will be conducting one of the Saturday morning classes. There will also be a Q&A as well as an autograph session with Jo on Saturday afternoon. Nan Dibble will be there too, and she'll read anybody's manuscript and make suggestions, if asked. Festival '95 will be a no frills, bare-bones get together. It will be personal and intimate, with a maximum registration of 50. It's a chance to brush up on your writing techniques or, if you aren't into writing, to sit around and chat with other fans you haven't seen in a while, and a chance to collect B&B treasures. If you're a dealer, zine publisher, or artist with work to sell, or if you have zines or B&B merchandise you'd like to sell or swap, you're invited to bring it along. For registration information, write Gloria Handley, 4195 Rolling Hills, Bettendorf IA 52722.

From Darlene Sullivan, the Daily Variety for April 3 says that Ron Perlman's new movie, "City of Lost Children," is to open the Cannes Film Festival. Neither Darlene nor Nan knows if this is an honor, but it certainly can't hurt. Darlene also reports that the April 21 issue of Entertainment says that Wil Wheaton, late of STNG, is among the cast of "Mr. Stitch," now described as a theatrical movie due this summer rather than the TV pilot Nan was at first was told it was. Ron Perlman is involved in this one, too. It's from the writer behind the Oscar-nominated movie "Pulp Fiction."

We have a few more details on Linda Hamilton's upcoming TV movie. Called "A Mother's Prayer," it deals with AIDS. Besides Linda, its cast includes Bruce Dern and female impersonator Ru Paul. It's currently scheduled to appear on USA in August.

Helper and pro poet Sandie Dapoz of Indianapolis has become the editor of "The Purple Rose," an ongoing annual anthology of spiritual poetry, the first issue of which was recently published. It's $11.95 a copy from Purple Rose Press, 815 North Broadway, Greenfield IN 46140.

A chapbook of Sandie's own poetry (some of which has appeared in the "Phoenix" series of B&B zines) is in the works.

Helper Marilyn Prather, who produced several highly enjoyable zines under the name "Marilynn," has had her first novel, "A Light in the Darkness," a mystery/romance, published by Avalon Books in February. Look for it in bookstores.

Warm fuzzy congratulations to both!

Pam Sondag of "Faces of Perlman" has closed her PO box and is now using her home address. If you need to reach Pam, write her at 6901 South 53rd Street, Omaha NE 68157.

The spring 1995 Q-fer is available, with reviews of about a dozen new zines. $8 full, $5 update (just the new stuff) to Helpers' Network.

Classified ads printed FREE for anything that can be written on a 3 x 5 card. Ads run once unless renewed.

AVAILABLE NOW: B&B 1996 Calendars from famed fan artist Rosemarie Hauer. Large format with a dozen pieces of original artwork by Hauer. Specify Classic or Vincent/Diana. $15 US (air; cash only), ATS 140.00 or £8.00 or $12.00 or DM 20.00 from Europe to:

Rosemarie Hauer
Muhlgasse 20/5
A-2560 Berndorf

Latex Vincent mask--the one from Distortions Unlimited that actually looked like him. I checked with the company. Their license has expired, so they can no longer sell them, even if they had them in stock, which they don't. Mine got used on a life-sized dummy, so I no longer have one to use for a costume. Anybody have a spare one tucked away somewhere? Contact Pat Farrar, 6573 Dodgen Road, Mableton GA 30059; (404) 819-8615.


New Fanzine by Rosemarie Hauer

[Ad includes three pieces of Rosemarie's handsome artwork: Vincent sitting against a brick wall while Catherine is curled up with her head on his thigh; Vincent looking directly at the viewer; Catherine lying supine on a bed, cradling Vincent's head--both appear to be asleep and nude, but only upper bodies are shown; above them a hole in rocks shows a starry sky.]

A retelling of Catherine and Vincent's story with a different beginning and without end, for "Real love stories never have endings." --Richard Bach

The story has approximately 64,000 words. Small typeset and spacing in order to keep the price (and the postage) as low as possible. 10 original, full-sized illustrations.

Available from:

Rosemarie Hauer
Muhlgasse 20/5
A-2560 Berndorf

Price within Europe: 15.00 pounds or DM 30.00 or ATS 220.00 or $23.00 (postage and handling included) Orders from the U.S.: $28.00 (airmail) Orders from Australia: $32.00 (airmail)

[Small centered picture shows Vincent and Catherine hugging and smiling at each other.]

Did Catherine's smile as she watched Lena walk away with Vincent leave you cold? Weren't you a little ticked that Vincent didn't DO something to prevent Catherine from going to Elliot in Ozymandius? Did Vincent leaving Catherine's bed in Orphans disappoint you? Haven't you ever wondered what would have happened had Catherine unplugged the telephone in The Watcher?

If you weren't quite satisfied with the way the episode went, then this zine was written for you. The episodes, Dark Spirit, God Bless the Child, Orphans, Arabesque, The Watcher, The Outsiders, A Kingdom by the Sea, What Rough Beast, and Ceremony of Innocence have been given a new twist. What was has been changed to what should have been.

All dialogue and storylines from the episodes are, of course, credited to the original screenwriters. The new material was written by Sandy P. Shelton with illustrations by Sandy C. Shelton.

And just one more question. What if Catherine's death was all a drug-induced nightmare that she awakened from safe and secure in Vincent's Chamber? (I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist just one more she's not dead story.)

If you find any of this intriguing, you'll enjoy this zine. The Crystal Rose Fan Group of NC is proud to present THE ROADS NOT TAKEN, available NOW.

To order, please send $25.00 plus $3.00 postage and handling to:

5316 Beverly Drive
Indian Trail NC 28079

ONLINE ADS - E-mail to place an online ad.

'BEAUTY AND THE BEAST UK CHAMBER' - the first UK based fan club for the TV series. Club magazine (The Chronicle) 40+ pages of member input - stories, articles, reviews, letters, poetry, art, quizzes & information - March, June, Sept & Dec. Also produce 'The Journal', 16 pages, April, July, Oct, Jan between Chronicles to keep members up to date. Voted best club magazine for 2 years since inception of the British Annual Awards. US Membership $22 (US dollars, cash please). Send to: Sheila Waters, 14 Judith Road, Kettering, Northants NN16 0NX, UK.

MASK: TALES FROM THE UNDERGROUND is a zine exploring the worlds of "Beauty and the Beast" and "Phantom of the Opera". We alternate issues between each universe. There are also zines in this series featuring all "Beauty and the Beast". Our emphasis is on well-plotted stories emphasizing Catherine and Vincent's relationship against the backdrops of the worlds Above and Below. For detailed flyers send email or send SASE to Kathleen Resch, PO Box 1766, Temple City, CA, 91780.

JO ANDERSON FAN CLUB - You are invited to join the Jo Anderson Fan Club, celebrating the career and accomplishments of Miss Jo Anderson. Your $15 ($20 overseas) membership includes an 8 X 10 photo of Miss Anderson, a membership card and a one year subscription to the quarterly newsletter, Jo's Journal. Jo's Journal includes reviews of Miss Anderson's work, both past and present, artwork by well known fan artists, news items, poetry, letters of comment, etc. (submissions accepted). Updates of Miss Anderson's current projects will be sent via postcard as warranted. Jo Anderson Fan Club, c/o Gloria Handley, 4195 Rolling Hills, Bettendorf, Iowa 52722. (Checks payable to Gloria Handley).

FLAME AND SHADOW - Flame and Shadow Press Presents: Flame and Shadows Volumes I - VIII. A collection of all season and alternative Beauty and the Beast stories and poems featuring artists and authors from America as well as Scotland, England and Austria. Submissions are welcome. Send legal size SASE for flyers and info to: Flame and Shadow Press, c/o Gloria Handley, 4195 Rolling Hills, Bettendorf, Iowa 52722.

BRUCE ABBOTT INTERNATIONAL FAN ASSOCIATION (BAIFA) was founded in 1994 to honor the actor best known for his roles as Judge Nicholas Marshall in "Dark Justice", Devin in TV's "Beauty and the Beast", and the hapless Dr. Dan Cain in the "Re-Animator" series of movies. The club, fully sanctioned by Bruce Abbott, keeps members up-to-date on his career through its quarterly newsletter, "Dark Prince", which features news, interviews, answers to members' questions, as well as reviews and rare archival photos. Annual membership--which also includes an autographed headshot, current biography, filmography, and more--is only $15 in the US ($18 Canada, $ 22 overseas.) Write: Bruce Abbott International Fan Association, P.O. Box 1892, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1892. (Checks payable to Robin Ann Schindler).

BONDSTORIES IX...CLASSIC LOVE will be available in July 1995. Editors: Joyce Fuller Kleikamp, Leslie Hunten. Stories, poems and illustrations from the Bondstories team. Rated PG-13/R. E-mail for more information or to be placed on our snail-mail list or write Joyce Fuller Kleikamp, 3861 S. Thornton, Tucson, AZ 85735. "Ask anyone about Bondstories." $20 US First Class, $22 Can, $24 UK. Still available: BONDSTORIES VII and VIII.

DENYING THE DARK - There are an infinite number of moments that make up a lifetime, or a story. Some of them are critical; after those moments, what follows is inevitable. But what if something, some relatively small thing, were different before one of those moments? Then everything after is changed..... Suppose for a moment that Joe Maxwell had worked with Diana Bennett before the moment when we saw them meet... Then the moment when Diana begins her search for Catherine Chandler is changed; Catherine is missing, and Joe wants Diana to help find her. Of course, Diana won't be the only one looking for Catherine... Before the Moment, written by Lynne Wexler, is an alternate universe novella featuring Diana and some third season elements. Denying the Dark is the latest in a series of classic zines brought to you by fan-writer Debbie Ristick. Along with the novella come vignettes, written to please all romantic hearts and illustrations by several noted fan artists. Rated PG-13 - Available June 1, 1995. $16.00 USA, $18.00 Canada, $21.00 foreign, including postage. Checks payable to Debbie Ristick. Candlelight Publications, Debbie Ristick -- Lynne Wexler, 1237 W. North Shore #1-D, Chicago Il. 60626 USA, Telephone 312-743-3297 or E-mail
