The Helpers' Network GAZETTE - Online a monthly newsletter for friends of "Beauty and the Beast" __________________________________________________ October, 1995 This is the news roundup from Nan Dibble and Helpers' Network. Call the Helpers' Network Hotline at 513-961-3317. Hard copies of the Gazette are $1.50 each to Helpers' Network, 379 Amazon Ave., Cincinnati OH 45220-1148. Ad rates are 1/2 page $5, 1 page $10, 2 full sides, $15. Classified FREE (and included in the online version, as well). ______________________________________________ Band of Angels At the convention A Distant Shore, something new was begun. A portion of the Edward Albert fan club has, at Edward's request, become a "Band of Angels: Circle of Love," devoted to providing tangible as well as emotional support to people in difficulty. Their first project is a worthy one. Most of us now know and have warm affection toward David Schwartz, once B&B's coordinating producer, now an invaluable resource and friend of fandom both in his own right and at many conventions. Not least among his contributions was talking Ron Perlman into making an appearance at A Distant Shore which, however brief, was VERY welcome. Anyway, David has a girlfriend, Jody, whom many of us met at the convention. In mid-August, Jody got burned out of her apartment, something Nan personally can relate to inasmuch as that happened to her, too, a long time ago, when she was a student in Iowa City. Jody had no insurance and lost everything she owned (fortunately, a neighbor rescued Jody's dog). Linda Moore is coordinating the project of helping Jody out, as a way of showing we value anybody who's special to David, who's special to us; and the donation Linda asks for is small. However the timeframe to get the word out also is small, so you need to help spread the word about this, and move on it yourself, right away. If a card of support is all you can manage, then send that. But what's being asked for is a single dollar. Send your contribution to Linda Moore, 6116 Brook Lane, Acworth GA 30102-1543 for a presentation to be made in December. If you send a check, make it payable to Linda Moore. ______________________________________________________ Dueling Videos and a Statue In regard to the convention tapes for A Distant Shore, there's a dispute, which may even become a legal dispute, between the Carousels & Caverns Community and NovTek over whether NovTek has the right to sell convention tapes, since they weren't the official videographer for the convention. C&CC contends, we gather, that any footage of the convention is their property (although they did shell out considerable money for the Ron Perlman footage NovTek had captured, and they hadn't--Ed.) whereas NovTek contends that by not forbidding filming (the NovTek crews weren't exactly inconspicuous, with all their equipment), C&CC tacitly gave permission to film and therefore can't legally object to their making the resulting tapes available. Until this matter is settled, it's not certain that NovTek's set of tapes will continue to be available. In other words, if you want this three tape set, order now for immediate shipment: they're ready for mailing. Reminding you of what's included in both sets of tapes: the official set, which may be ready for shipment in December, consists of two tapes, the first with convention highlights, (and including Ron Perlman's surprise appearance); the second is the original play "Great Expectations" and highlights of the bus tour. You can have both tapes, or either. Any single tape is $30; the set of two is $55, postage and handling included. Make check or money order payable to Serendipity and send to Serendipity, Box 9287, Anaheim CA 92812. The unauthorized NovTek set, available now, consists of three tapes, all of convention highlights, NOT including the play Great Expectations. The NovTek set sells for $50 + $5 postage. The address is NovTek Inc. Video Productions, 3171-A, S 129 E. Ave., #136, Tulsa OK 74134. For Visa and Mastercard orders, the number is 918-743-3450. Again, if you want this set, order now for immediate mailing. "Of Love and Hope" Back in Print! >From D'vora Pariente of C&CC, we learn that the tapes and CD's of the Of Love and Hope recording are available NOW through Serendipity. The tape costs $10; the CD costs $15. Send to Serendipity, Box 9287, Anaheim CA 92812. If you don't have a copy of this marvelous recording of Vincent reading poetry to music from the series, get one now, to encourage Republic to bring out the promised sequel. Eventually the tape and CD should again be available through record stores, but for now, it's available exclusively through Serendipity. A Carousels & Caverns Community mailing was recently sent out which the Community regrets included a flyer for Mike Maloney's sculpture, A Kiss in the Chamber of the Winds. They regret it because they want it known that they've severed all ties, legal and personal, with Mike, whose financial fancy dancing and dealings behind their back, in regard to the convention, contributed to leaving them in the hole. So D'vora Pariente asked Nan to tell everyone that despite the flyer being included with their mailing, they have no connections of any sort with Mike anymore. (A dissenting voice is that of Ben Bock, who did the mailing, who stated online that Mike bore half the cost of the mailing and intends to donate a portion of the profits from the statue to help make up the convention shortfall for the C&CC.) [Note From BeastFan: To clarify this misstatement, this is what Ben Bock actually stated online: "that he [Mike Maloney} has pledged to donate the full proceeds of the first several sculpture sales fully to the convention committee to help pay off leftover debts from the convention. Basically the first two or three thousand dollars that come in his front door are being given directly to creditors to whom the con committee owes money. He's sold 2 or 3 of the sculptures since the convention and hopes to sell more as a result of the recent mass mailing, for which he paid 50% of the postage/printing costs. (Other individuals donated the other 50%; the con committee paid 0%.) Further per Ben Bock, the club's August vote to disassociate itself from Mike Maloney was a legal/financial move; no severing of personal ties was voted upon. Also, further relevant information has been uncovered in the months since the convention and additional announcements -- and reconfiguration of the club -- can be expected soon."] That said, here are details on this very handsome sculpture, simpler models of which were the convention banquet centerpieces: it's about 18" tall, a swirling embrace between Vincent and Catherine, titled "A Kiss in the Chamber of the Winds." Plaster $80 Painted Plaster $150 Bonded Bronze $750 with an onyx base $1100 Solid Bronze with onyx base $3500 A version may be displayed in a professional gallery in Beverly Hills, priced at $5,000. Make checks payable to, and send to Mike Maloney, 6301 Riggs Place, LA CA 90045. Sending SASE should get you a flyer, if you want to see for yourself what the statue looks like. ______________________________________________________ Lyn Musacchio Moving Lyn Musacchio is relocating to Florida to follow better work prospects for her husband. She's taking her hotline with her. Her last update, at the old number, was Oct. 26; she expects to have the hotline up and running again the first week of January. The new number isn't yet determined, but be assured it will be publicized here, so those accustomed to calling Lyn's hotline will be able to continue doing so in its new location. Lyn announced a convention add-on for the Tuesday after the convention weekend. It's a 3 hour harbor cruise in Norfolk harbor, with an unlimited dinner buffet, a dinner show, live band, and dancing. The charge is $32.45 per person. If you want to register for the cruise, send the $32.45 per person, payable to A Kingdom by the Sea, to Lyn Musacchio, PO Box 770135, Orlando FL 32877-0135. That address is good NOW, and should be used for registration or mail for A Kingdom by the Sea. In other convention-related news, there's been concern in the fandom that, given the preferences of the convention's organizers, A Kingdom by the Sea would be militantly and exclusively Classic, with no others welcome. Definitively, that is not so, Lyn assures us. True, the conzine will be all-Classic, but so have all other conzines in the past. The dealers' room will be all-season, with the only requirement that at least some of the merchandise displayed be B&B-related. The art room's sole requirement is that it be B&B related. All-season and even R-rated art is welcome. There will be third-season oriented panels and events (Nan was invited to organize two such panels, and gladly accepted.) This is the convention's policy, and it will be adhered to. Ignore any rumors you hear to the contrary. And several people have conveyed to us worries that only Classic zines, stories, and artwork would be considered for awards at the convention. Nan checked with Lyn, and that plain isn't true. And Nan says, enough, already! At the moment, she can't imagine how else somebody could suspect or accuse the con committee of season bigotry, but undoubtedly someone will. This is an all-season convention, like all those before it. Period. Can we just accept that and give the rumor mill a rest for awhile? ______________________________________________________ OUT/IN Commemorative The venerable letterzine, OUT/IN (Once Upon a Time Is Now) is planning a special commemorative issue, a real collector's item called Once Upon A Time Is Now...And Forever, a collection of some of the most memorable letters of comment dating from issue one, in May 1988, through the present. Nearly eight years of heartfelt reactions from fandom, then and now. Also included is a section on the development of the work of some major fan artists, including Beth Blighton, Barb Gipson, Sandy Shelton, and Rosemarie Hauer. Another feature is an overview of photos and other material about the yearly conventions for the eight years Out/In has been running. As the editors, Jeanne Cloud and Loreen Vanderkraatz comment, this full-sized zine will capture a unique "look at our B&B family and the memories we've made and shared together". With over 50 pieces of art and a laminated cover, this book will be a keepsake for years to come. However, the retrospective issue won't even be begun to be put together until all the promised issues of OUT/IN have been published: roughly February, 1996. So the deadline (originally Nov. 15) has been extended through February. Further, they need at least 100 preorders to undertake the considerable labor of putting this big zine together; they're about halfway to that point now, and hope for another 50 orders between now and the end of February. If they get them, fine: they're off and running, and will produce the commemorative zine about July of next year. If they don't get the hundred preorders, they'll refund at that point whatever anyone has sent them. The full price is $26. But you have the option of sending just a $10 deposit to reserve your issue, whether in the US or abroad. If the zine isn't produced, that deposit will be refunded. If you just change your mind, it won't be refunded. You will, of course, have to pay the balance before receiving your zine. For this special, keepsake issue of Once Upon a Time is Now...and Forever, send to Jeanne Cloud, 906 N. Jefferson, Iola KS 66749. ______________________________________________________ Postcards for Republic Thanks to all the people who sent postcards to Republic for Halloween. Nan gathers some people went overboard and sent as many as 50 cards apiece, but at least we know, by Republic's reaction, that we showed them major mail, which was part of the purpose of sending the cards at all. Since this was a limited campaign, Nan trusts that everybody will now stop sending cards and be pleased with having expressed, to Republic, their preferences in terms of a movie in a way that definitely got Republic's attention while causing them a minimum of trouble, since postcards don't have to be opened and are relatively easy to handle and, with a brief message, easy to read. And even at that, they feel they were inundated and slightly indignant to realize they were getting multiple cards for each person instead of a discreet one per. We've never been discreet or moderate as a fandom, and Nan feels it's a little late to start. If Republic's new people hadn't realized before what a passionate, all-out bunch we are, Nan suspects that they know now. So pat yourselves on the back and smile in the continued prospect of a four hour B&B tv miniseries which will undoubtedly please some greatly, others not at all, but most of us just because it will exist. And Republic will learn what Nan's always known, that it's impossible to do anything in this fandom without really annoying SOMEBODY, which isn't a reason not to do it. If Republic is slightly annoyed, that just puts them in with the rest of us, and Nan welcomes them to our company. Good job, people! ______________________________________________________ SIGHTINGS The Scarlet Letter, in which Roy Dotrice has a small part, has opened to pretty universal resounding BOOs from critics who didn't feel the story was improved by graphic sex and nudity. Linda Hamilton's erotic thriller, Separate Lives, seems to have rapidly sunk without trace after its early September premiere. Stephen McHattie's vampire TV movie, Deadly Love, got panned on the strength (or lack thereof) of Susan Dey's performance. In regard to Separate Lives, helper Laura Hardy tells us that it's technically available for sale on video through Blockbuster by special order, but at a relatively astronomical price. It will be actually released to video about the end of January. Linda's movie Silent Fall aired on cable in October. Though not well received as a whole, the movie has a restrained performance by Linda in a supporting role that she likely took to offset her muscled, aggressive Terminator image. Eric Pierpoint (the gunman in "Masks") was recently in the new ('95) TV movie, Alien Nation: Body and Soul. As Nan's informant commented, that series was canceled in 1991; they've had two good movies, we've had none. Ah, well--we've got a four hour miniseries to look forward to, in 12 to 18 months or so. So Alien Nation fans can watch this with untroubled minds: our turn is coming. Both Ray Wise (Tom Gunther in the Pilot) and Lance Henriksen ("Snow") are in Powder, released in late October. And Maxine Mayer tells us that Del Roy Lindo (Isaac Stubbs) is in the new movie Get Shorty and Franc Luz (Kristopher Gentian in "When the Bluebird Sings") has a small role in the new Don Juan De Marco. Maxine also spotted Clive Rosengren (Lou the Barber in "Song of Orpheus" and "Dead of Winter") in an episode of Seinfeld. Several people (but Laura Hardy and Lyn Kraemer were first) noted Jay Acovone in a Compuserve commercial, and Clive Rosengren appears in an American Express commercial where the girl just won't stop talking about delivery schedules. Karen Morgia unexpectedly spotted Roy Dotrice in an episode of syndicated SF series, Babylon 5. Nan found Stan Ivar, (the dealer in illicit antiquities in "Fever") popping up in his rare but recurring role as Capt. Janeway's left-behind boyfriend on Star Trek: Voyager. Darlene Sullivan tells us Ron Perlman did the voice of Satan on the cartoon series Animaniacs. Announced as a mid-season replacement series for ABC, Second Noah will have Betsy Brantley (Nancy Tucker, "A Happy Life") as a regular. It's about parents with a multi-ethnic brood of kids. NOTICES & FACTOIDS Thanks to Darlene Sullivan for the information that Linda Hamilton has been nominated for Cable Ace Best Actress award for the movie A Mother's Prayer. (She won! - BeastFan) The awards are given on Dec. 2. On Sept. 30, her son in the movie, played by Noah Fleiss, won the Hollywood Reporter Young Star award for best performance in a TV movie. In October, Variety praised Ron Perlman's cameo in The Last Supper as a "brilliant turn," adding that the picture is a "bang-up film of ideas." It may open in art houses toward the end of this year. ______________________________________________________ Fans of Beth Blighton will be glad to hear she's still active in fandom, though not ours. She sent Nan a flyer on a new anthology zine she's co-written with Gina Alkazian based on the canceled series, Earth Two. Illos by Beth and another renowned fan artist, Barb Gipson. If you were fond of Earth 2 or would just like to see what Beth and Barb are up to now, send SASE to Stephara Press, 17351 Mayall St., Northridge CA 91325 for a copy of the flier. ______________________________________________________ D'vora Pariente reports recently running into Wil Wheaton, late of STNG, at a SF convention and Wil said he's just finished filming on Mr. Stitch, an HBO TV movie, with Ron Perlman. D'vora said that Wil went on and on about what a wonderful person Ron was to work with and said the movie is due on HBO before the end of the year. We'd heard previously that this was something Ron had done some time ago, in France, but Nan assumes Wil knows what he's been filming and has the more accurate report. Classified Classified ads printed FREE for anything that can be written on a 3 x 5 card. Ads run once unless renewed. Diary: From Australian fans, an extremely handsome 1996 diary with stories and poetry and splendid artwork, full of memorable B&B dates, birthdays of cast members, musings, factoids, et al., and lots of space for you to write in. It's thick digest sized, spiral bound, over 100 pages. $14.00 US cash OR an International Postal Money Order or American Express Money Order for $18.50 in Australian funds to Janet Southam, 13 Kitto Crescent, Aldinga Beach, S.A., Australia 4173. Award winning fan artist Sandy Chandler Shelton is offering 2 1996 B&B calendars. Both are Classic and in color. The first, A Distant Shore, is romantic; the second, Wave of Passion, has fewer clothes but no frontal nudity. Either calendar is $18 US, $19 CAN, $23 EUR to Sandy C. Shelton, 6851 Woodlea W., Oscoda MI 48750. Send business-sized SASE for her small booklet on other products and artwork, including two very charming young Vincent dolls. B&B 1996 Calendars from famed fan artist Rosemarie Hauer. Large format with a dozen pieces of original artwork by Hauer. Specify Classic or Vincent/Diana. $15 US (air; cash only), ATS 140.00 or ú8.00 or $12.00 or DM 20.00 from Europe to: Rosemarie Hauer Muhlgasse 20/5 A-2560 Berndorf AUSTRIA Available Now: The Fall 1995 Helpers' Network Quality Fanzine Review (Q-fer) with nearly 40 new B&B zines reviewed--the most ever, in a single issue of the Q-fer! Full Q-fer, $8; update (excerpting the new or changed information) $5 to Helpers' Network, 379 Amazon Ave., Cincinnati OH 45220-1148. A NEW, ACCURATE B&B DIRECTORY! Lovingly compiled, scrupulously checked, with all current listings, this directory is your guide to B&B fandom. 225 pages, $23 (including postage) to Peg McNabb, 8074 Regency Dr., Nashville TN 37221. Request the current issue; otherwise, your order may be treated as a preorder for the updated edition, due July 1996. Zine sale! Gloria Handley, of Flame and Shadow Press, is offering her all-season anthology zines, Flame and Shadow 1-6, at a discounted price while supplies last. They are $13 each, or $12 each if ordering two or more in the same order. Send to Gloria Handley, Flame and Shadow Press, 4195 Rolling Hills, Bettendorf IA 52722. Is there a Vincent in the stars for you? B&B fan, helper, and professional astrologer Eleanor Scheetz offers elaborate full-scale, personalized life readings at a reasonable cost. For info and bio sheet for you to fill out, write Eleanor Scheetz, PO Box 142721, Gainesville FL 32614-2721; E-mail sunlite@ ONLINE ADS - E-mail to place a free online ad. 'BEAUTY AND THE BEAST UK CHAMBER' - the first UK based fan club for the TV series. Club magazine (The Chronicle) 40+ pages of member input - stories, articles, reviews, letters, poetry, art, quizzes & information - March, June, Sept & Dec. Also produce 'The Journal', 16 pages, April, July, Oct, Jan between Chronicles to keep members up to date. Voted best club magazine for 2 years since inception of the British Annual Awards. US Membership $22 (US dollars, cash please). Send to: Sheila Waters, 14 Judith Road, Kettering, Northants NN16 0NX, UK. MASK: TALES FROM THE UNDERGROUND is a zine exploring the worlds of "Beauty and the Beast" and "Phantom of the Opera". We alternate issues between each universe. There are also zines in this series featuring all "Beauty and the Beast". Our emphasis is on well-plotted stories emphasizing Catherine and Vincent's relationship against the backdrops of the worlds Above and Below. For detailed flyers send email or send SASE to Kathleen Resch, PO Box 1766, Temple City, CA, 91780. JO ANDERSON FAN CLUB - You are invited to join the Jo Anderson Fan Club, celebrating the career and accomplishments of Miss Jo Anderson. Your $15 ($20 overseas) membership includes an 8 X 10 photo of Miss Anderson, a membership card and a one year subscription to the quarterly newsletter, Jo's Journal. Jo's Journal includes reviews of Miss Anderson's work, both past and present, artwork by well known fan artists, news items, poetry, letters of comment, etc. (submissions accepted). Updates of Miss Anderson's current projects will be sent via postcard as warranted. Jo Anderson Fan Club, c/o Gloria Handley, 4195 Rolling Hills, Bettendorf, Iowa 52722. (Checks payable to Gloria Handley). FLAME AND SHADOW - Flame and Shadow Press Presents: Flame and Shadows Volumes I - VIII. A collection of all season and alternative Beauty and the Beast stories and poems featuring artists and authors from America as well as Scotland, England and Austria. Submissions are welcome. Send legal size SASE for flyers and info to: Flame and Shadow Press, c/o Gloria Handley, 4195 Rolling Hills, Bettendorf, Iowa 52722. BRUCE ABBOTT INTERNATIONAL FAN ASSOCIATION (BAIFA) was founded in 1994 to honor the actor best known for his roles as Judge Nicholas Marshall in "Dark Justice", Devin in TV's "Beauty and the Beast", and the hapless Dr. Dan Cain in the "Re-Animator" series of movies. The club, fully sanctioned by Bruce Abbott, keeps members up-to-date on his career through its quarterly newsletter, "Dark Prince", which features news, interviews, answers to members' questions, as well as reviews and rare archival photos. Annual membership--which also includes an autographed headshot, current biography, filmography, and more--is only $15 in the US ($18 Canada, $ 22 overseas.) Write: Bruce Abbott International Fan Association, P.O. Box 1892, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1892. (Checks payable to Robin Ann Schindler). BONDSTORIES IX...CLASSIC LOVE will be available in July 1995. Editors: Joyce Fuller Kleikamp, Leslie Hunten. Stories, poems and illustrations from the Bondstories team. Rated PG-13/R. E-mail for more information or to be placed on our snail-mail list or write Joyce Fuller Kleikamp, 3861 S. Thornton, Tucson, AZ 85735. "Ask anyone about Bondstories." $20 US First Class, $22 Can, $24 UK. Still available: BONDSTORIES VII and VIII. DENYING THE DARK - There are an infinite number of moments that make up a lifetime, or a story. Some of them are critical; after those moments, what follows is inevitable. But what if something, some relatively small thing, were different before one of those moments? Then everything after is changed..... Suppose for a moment that Joe Maxwell had worked with Diana Bennett before the moment when we saw them meet... Then the moment when Diana begins her search for Catherine Chandler is changed; Catherine is missing, and Joe wants Diana to help find her. Of course, Diana won't be the only one looking for Catherine... Before the Moment, written by Lynne Wexler, is an alternate universe novella featuring Diana and some third season elements. Denying the Dark is the latest in a series of classic zines brought to you by fan-writer Debbie Ristick. Along with the novella come vignettes, written to please all romantic hearts and illustrations by several noted fan artists. Rated PG-13. $16.00 USA, $18.00 Canada, $21.00 foreign, including postage. Checks payable to Debbie Ristick. Candlelight Publications, Debbie Ristick -- Lynne Wexler, 1237 W. North Shore #1-D, Chicago Il. 60626 USA, Telephone 312-743-3297 or E-mail End.