The Romantic Drama
Here are some informational files about the tv show that has inspired this
vibrant fandom:
A Beauty & the Beast
Believe it when you see
it! The current status on our much-hoped-for Beauty
& the Beast movie/miniseries is not that encouraging right
now, I'm afraid. Check here for the latest info I have.
Music From the Show
B&B Music On CD: Without
a doubt, the majority of the questions that I get asked by folks who
browse this page deal with the retail availability of music from the show.
I hope this link will answer some of those popular questions, and maybe
enable you to locate some of this wonderful music for yourself!
Lyrics to "The First Time...": Here's
another much-requested item - the lyrics to the song "The First Time I
Loved Forever".
MIDI file for "The First Time...":
Created by fellow Hoosier fan Darrell Steinbarger, here is a MIDI file
for "The First Time I Loved Forever".
The Opening Theme: Click here
to download the opening theme from the show, which includes the spoken
bits from Vincent and Catherine! This file is in .au format.
Episode Guides
The Blue Bird Guide:
This is a well-rounded episode guide containing good plot details and some
production details. I'll be filling out the production details some more as
time goes on.
Love And Hope 1.03: This guide was posted to Of Love
And Hope when the digest was in its infancy. It has good production
details, but no plot details to speak of. It's more of a checklist, really.
TV Guide Plot Listings: Here's
a fun read! This is a file containing the TV Guide plot listings for all
the eps.
Cast and Character Table: While not an
episode guide, this table from Sue Haley is still a valuable resource. It
contains the names of all the actors and actresses that have participated
in B&B episodes, along with the names of their characters and the
specific episodes they were in! The file is in MS Word format.
Essays and Articles
Beauty and the Books:
Here is an article penned by Jeanette C. Smith that looks at the literary
content of Beauty and the Beast.
Other Information
Episode Trivia:
Nancy Curles has compiled an ever-growing list of trivia questions based
on the episodes. How many can YOU answer?
The Romantic Drama -- indyjeneric at yahoo dot
com |